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Learning to be a Leader is a blog to chronicle my journey towards becoming an Educational Leader. See my first entry for more information.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Take the First Step

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Martin Luther King, Jr.

What does this quote mean to you? What would you need in order to feel comfortable taking that first step? Would you need to have faith, trust, open mindedness, bravery, belief, desire, confidence? Would you need to feel desperate, frustrated, feed up, tired, anxious? Taking that first step could take you away from something or towards something. It could mean the end of one life or the beginning of another. What does this quote mean to you?

Life is about taking first steps and with each one we mark a milestone in our lives... A baby's first step across the room, a five-year old's first step into school, the step across the stage at graduation, across alter, and so many other first steps. With each, there is cause to celebrate as we move from one stage to the next, and it is also a time to reflect upon where we were, and what life was like before those steps were taken.

There have been many first steps in my life and a for a long time, I really wanted to see the whole staircase before I would take that first step. But in the past couple of years, I have come to believe that life isn't about where I will end up, rather it's the journey I will take to get there. Some call me brave or fearless for my willingness to embark on the journey despite not knowing where the future will take me. Some may call me foolish, for not having a clearly defined plan. The truth is it doesn't really matter what others think. I am on a path, I know not where... And yet the journey is grand. In the end, it is the journey that truly matters for it is the journey that defines us, and it is the journey that brings joy and meaning to our life.

Be bold, be brave, be adventurous, be in the moment... And take that step, for life is about living the unknown. So take the first step and see where the staircase leads.

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