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Learning to be a Leader is a blog to chronicle my journey towards becoming an Educational Leader. See my first entry for more information.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Life is a Roller Coaster

Roller Coasters... they are unpredictable... they have ups and downs, loops and twists and lots of wild turns. They start out slow and just when you think you have everything under control the bottom falls away and off you go again. Some people love roller coasters... they make their heart beat fast, get their adrenaline flowing, it's full of excitement. Others feel sick, their heads spin, their stomach is in their throat, and they can't wait for the ride to be over. When I was young, I used to love roller coasters especially the kind you ride in the dark. They were both terrifying and exciting all at the same time.

So why the talk about roller coasters?? Well perhaps it's because I have come to realize that Life is a lot like roller coasters... it's unpredictable, can be full of excitement, it can make your head spin... and sometimes it can make you sick to your stomach. Life, like a roller coaster... once the ride has begun there is not much you can do but enjoy it or scream until its over.

Riding the coaster...There are days when I feel totally ready for the twists and turns coming my way... and then there are days when they catch me by surprise. There are days when I embrace the ride with a full grin, and times when I want to cry out loud. It's both terrifying and exciting. Life is like a roller coaster ride... with all the ups and downs, twists and turns, it best when it's shared with a friend.

I hope that on my Roller Coaster of Life, my riding partner and I can be together through all the ups and downs and at the end of the ride, we will look back and say...
"Now THAT was a GREAT ride!"

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