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Learning to be a Leader is a blog to chronicle my journey towards becoming an Educational Leader. See my first entry for more information.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Looking Past Our Limits

How often do we tell ourselves "I can't because..." How often do we avoid doing something out of fear of failure? Human beings have an innate need to be accepted, and this overwhelming fear that if we fail we will be rejected prevents many of us from even attempting things.

I can remember telling my children to just try it, knowing full well that each of them had within them the ability to do anything that they put their minds to... I was their cheer leader- they may have called me a nudge, whatever you want to called it, I have always believed in them.

But me? Hummm. Many times in my life I have fallen victim to self doubt, and to self limiting thoughts. I have been afraid that people might learn my real secret that I am not _______ enough. Fill in the blank- brave enough, strong enough, smart enough, good enough, etc. I have let those fears limit me, hold me back, and prevent me from pursuing a life of passion, purpose, and meaning.

So what changed? There are several answers to that question...

First, I think if we can get over the notion that we have to be perfect, that the timing needs to be perfect, the job needs to be perfect, and we just try it and see what happens... we give ourselves permission to succeed. In that moment of openness and vulnerability, we allow the possibilities that exist in the universe to unfold before us so that we can act upon them.

Second, surround yourself with positive people. Negative energy attracts more negative energy- have you ever heard the sayings "misery loves company" and "Misery breeds misery"? They are true! If your surround yourself with people that are constantly telling you what you can't do, how terrible you are, and are always complaining about their lives, it can be paralyzing. You come to believe that nothing can ever or will ever change. That your life is destined to be limited to your current existence. You need to follow the advice a very special friend gave me, "You just need to tell them to sell their crazy somewhere else, you aren't buying it."

Finally, I started to trust other people. When I doubted myself, I closed myself off to others. I was too fragile to risk being hurt by others so I was unwilling to trust people. I kept to myself and no one knew what I was thinking on the inside. Learning to trust again is not easy, because we know that if you trust the wrong people you will do yourself more harm than good. So who to trust- if people are criticizing you, telling you what you can't do, trying to control you or devalue you- run like the wind. Instead surround yourself with people that treat you with respect, dignity, care and concern... and if you are lucky love and affection.

Don't get me wrong, there are times when those self limiting fears creep back, but most of the time I see before me the world of opportunity... And I have to tell you, it is a wonderful view! You should consider joining me.

For those times when we feel those self imposed limits creeping back, I turn to others for inspiration. So for you I am sharing one that helps me not lose sight of all my blessing and helps me remember never to limit myself or others.

I never needed eyes to see — never. I simply needed vision and belief. Caroline Case

This post is dedicated to the man that calls me brave. I hope he knows that he helped me find my strength!

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