About this Blog

Learning to be a Leader is a blog to chronicle my journey towards becoming an Educational Leader. See my first entry for more information.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who You Are Makes A Difference...

What We do DOES make a difference...

As Leaders, whether you are a classroom leader, a school leader, a district leader, or a business leader, you're actions impact the lives of others on a daily basis. Often we do not fully recognize the scope of that impact. There is a wonderful video I want to share with you that demonstrates how profound it can be when we take the time to recognize others for the impact that they have on our lives.

This learning journey that I am on... Learning to be a Leader, is so much more then an exploration of theory, more than learning strategies, for me to grow into the kind of leader I want to become I need to reflect on who I am and how what I do affects others. Facing your own personal demons is never easy, but since I consider myself to be somewhat of a reflective person, I guess I need to face those demons...

Better yet, I'd like to quote my professor, whom is also the director of HRD for our district, "Sometimes you have to shine the light on the roaches."

So giving credit where credit is due... 

To my family- My mom whom sacrificed her own ambitions so her kids could pursue theirs; My dad that has always taught me that our greatest purpose and mission on this earth is to make things better for others. To my brother who has gotten me into more trouble and out of more trouble than I care to admit and is still only a phone call away; to my little sister who demonstrates her strengths and talents on a daily basis- You have all made me who I am. I love you and YOU make a difference!

To my girls- I love you and I am so proud of the women you have become. If I think back to when you were babies and remember what I hoped you would be and the kind of women you would become... I never would have dreamed you would be this brilliant, this involved, and this passionate. You are the lights of my life. YOU BOTH make a difference.

To the man I love- Who would have thought that I could feel this way- You are my rock, my strength, you make me laugh when I feel like crying, you make me believe that I can do anything- YOU make a difference.

To my dear, true-blue friends- You really keep me sane- You are there to support me when I feel like I have no clue what I am doing, distract me when I need to be distracted and focus me when I need to be focused- YOU make a difference.

To the Cohort 2 Crew- If it wasn't for you and our "Group Me" life line- I don't think I would make it through this program. Your insight, wisdom, and professionalism is second to none... I know you will be great leaders and I would be honored to work with each you. You ALL make the difference!

To my mentor and teachers- What ever type of leader I turn out to be is because of your patience, your time, and your dedication. You make a difference.

To my coworkers- You are the most dedicated group of individuals that I have met, you love what you do and you all make a difference for each and every one of the students that pass through your doors.

To all of you that have touched my life- either through our involvement as parents, through work, as extended family or as friends- those I play scrabble with, cheer on the guard, those that made my home their home and vise-a-versa, those that have taught me lessons about life and about my self, and those that are still teaching me... You make a difference.

It is my hope and my intention, that as I become a leader I never forget to acknowledge the people around me and recognize how each of them makes a difference each and every day.

Please enjoy the video, and take time to tell those you care about that they make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. As I said before... so glad you are writing again! Thank you for your words... they do make a difference! You my dear sister MAKE A DIFFERENCE!Sometimes i don't think you give yourself enough credit of just how much you do!!! Keep continuing the great things you are doing. YOU HAVE found your calling! Love you!


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