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Learning to be a Leader is a blog to chronicle my journey towards becoming an Educational Leader. See my first entry for more information.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Start the Year Off Right With Your Child's New Teacher

            Have you ever noticed how excited teachers get when glue sticks go on sale for $.25 a pack? Or notebook paper for $.50 and you better duck and hide when Office Depot puts those pocket folders on sale. This year, in order to meet class-size requirements, in addition to my full time Curriculum Specialist job, I will also be teaching three blocks of 6th grade science- Earth & Space Science to be exact. While I am a little nervous about handling my work load, I am actually pretty excited to be teaching science again, especially since Earth & Space is my favorite strand to teach! Needless to say, this week, during pre-planning week, I have been busy switching classrooms, moving equipment,  unpacking boxes, sorting through textbooks, and setting up my classroom. I really am a NERD, because while setting up my new room I have been as giddy as a kid on Christmas while I unpacked fossils and rock samples, volcano models, tornado tubes, and hung giant inflated plastic planets. I can't wait to start growing my crystals and making the volcano erupt!!! But perhaps one of my enjoyable experiences this week... making my pilgrimage to Target for my .$25 twin packs of glue sticks! You really wouldn't believe how excited I was getting as I piled all the school supplies, post-its notes and markers into my cart. The lady at the check out counter, whom I thought would think I was nuts for being so excited, actually shared my enthusiasm... turns out she is a fifth grade teacher during the school year and was working as a cashier at Target over the summer. The lady behind me just shook her head as we discussed all the great deals on school supplies.

           As I loaded the bags of school supplies in my trunk, I couldn't help but think of those bank executives that get bonuses that could pay for a trip to Europe. Business leaders with company perks that allow them to enjoy box seats for sporting events. CEO's that fly in their company jets, stay in 5-star hotels, and only dine in the finest restaurants. I thought about lawyers in their offices and wondered what they would think about buying their own legal pads, and whether THEY would be excited about buying them on sale. I think not... In fact, I think most people would be furious to pay for the supplies that they use in their work places.

      Yet, teachers do that all of the time. They buy tissues and stickers and treats and snacks, they buy paper and pencils- just in case some of their students don't have them. The stock their shelves with books and resources all to make teaching and learning more fun. In fact, on average, most teachers spend somewhere between $300-$500 per year on supplies for their students. That money doesn't come from the school's budget, it doesn't come from the state... it comes from them. Now consider the fact that teacher salaries have not been increased in 5 years, and maybe you can start to understand why teachers get so excited when glue sticks go on sale!!!

        So this year, while you are out shopping for back to school supplies, consider picking up a few extras and bring them in the the teacher. Teachers do so much for our children and often get very little recognition... So please think about doing what you can to show them you appreciate their efforts. You don't have to wait until Teacher Appreciation Week to thank a teacher, consider starting the year off on a great note by doing one of the following. Here are some little things that may go a long way:

  1. Send a nice note of appreciation.
  2. Send in a "Back to School Goody Basket" include things like stickers, an electric pencil sharpener, Post-it notes, blank stationary, and assorted school supplies.
  3. Most teachers have plenty of mugs, so avoid sending one of those, but consider sending in "stuff" to fill it, like assorted teas or flavored instant coffees, or maybe a $5.00 gift card to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts with a note that says "Tomorrow's coffee is on us. We are looking forward to a great year!"
  4. Consider sending in snacks once a month- maybe a super size box of granola bars or a jumbo container of pretzels. (Make sure to check with the teacher about food allergies before sending in products with nuts!)
  5. Volunteer to help- even if you work, there may be something that the teacher can send home for you to help cut or prepare. 
  6. Most teachers have "Wish Lists" of extra things they need for their class- consider purchasing something off that list or better yet, send in a gift card from Walmart or Target, so the teacher can get it on his/her own.

Check out these websites for more ideas:
Top 5 List: childparenting.about.com
Fund a Teacher Project
Family Fun Magazine

         Even if you don't have kids in school anymore you can still purchase some school supplies and drop them off at your neighborhood school. Give them to the guidance counselor and tell them to make sure a needy student gets the supplies.

        Enjoy the beginning of a new school year!!

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