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Learning to be a Leader is a blog to chronicle my journey towards becoming an Educational Leader. See my first entry for more information.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tribute to the Crusaders- Youth Leadership

This week is Finals week for young people participating in Drum Corp International activities. For those not familiar with drum corp- think Marching band on speed meets Carnival Carnies... A group of 150 young people ranging in age from 17-21 board 4 tour buses,  accompanied by a tractor trailer mobile kitchen, an equipment truck, and several other vehicles, and travel across country from California to New York, to Atlanta Georgia ending their season in Indianapolis. They practice up to 14 hours a day in temperatures blazing into the 100's, perform for crowds that number well into thousands, and then travel all night to do it again in another city. They do this over and over throughout the summer.

Who would allow their children to do something like this... I would! In fact this summer marks the fourth summer my youngest has spent doing this activity. It is also her last summer, you see she is 21 and since that is the maximum age to participate, she will "age-out" after this summer, and will no longer be able to participate.

So why did I title this blog, "Tribute to the Crusaders- Youth Leadership?" For several reasons, first the drum corp my daughter marches with is a top 10 world class corp called the Boston Crusaders. In fact both my daughters have marched with this corp! My daughters are both "True Blue Crusaders." And this is why...

The Boston Crusaders has a long history, in fact it is the oldest corp still in existence, it is more than 70 years old. Early in the corps history, President Kennedy donated uniforms to the Corp, uniforms that once belonged to musicians from the band at West Point. President Kennedy was the first "honorary" Crusader!
JFK the First Honorary Crusader
Many organizations with such long histories have a group identity or culture, what Boman & Deal would call the "Symbolic Frame." The Boston Crusaders has many such traditions. One of these  traditions is the fact that every show that Boston fields in the summer has some snippet of the music from "Conquest," it is in fact something that fans look forward to each summer.

Another Crusader tradition takes place before every show, the Crusaders members and staff form a circle and sing the song We are Giants... we will never die. These traditions along with the fierce determination to work  together towards a common goal is what defines the culture of the Boston Crusaders. It is also what brings these young people back each summer. It is why members will sport their corp jacket in public even when it is the middle of summer. And it is what unites them as Crusader now and always.
 In addition to the fact that my own children have added to this group's history, I am writing this blog as a recognition of the young leaders that are part of this organization. This organization is full of leaders, both those with official roles, like drum major and section leaders, and those informal leaders that step up and act as leaders to assist younger members of the corp. They perform this role not for the recognition but because in doing so they enhance the performance of the entire group. The 150 young people work together to do something that they could never achieve alone... Whether you want to call it Synergy, Servant Leadership, or team work, there is something to learn from these young people.

I have spent many weeks over the course of the last few years watching these young adults work day in and day out under circumstances that most people would never endure. I have seen first hand what determination and hard work can achieve. At the end of the day, for these kids it is not the score that is posted that matters, it is the fact that win or loose they do it together. There motto, "We don't Gava" meaning that they don't give a darn about the score, speaks volumes about their character.

As a leader, I only hope that I will have the same determination, fortitude, and internal strength that the kids in the Boston Crusaders Drum & Bugle Corp exhibit each summer... Eat 'Em Up Boston and good look at finals!

Enjoy these other pictures from the 2012 Boston Crusaders:

4th of July Parade
Playing the National Anthem at Fenway Park
The 2012 Age-Outs
Great shot of Lauren's friend Devon
Golden Gate Bridge

Seattle, Washington
Sunset on the 2012 Season

Photos from: http://bostoncrusaders.com/


  1. Nice work, Arlene - classy perspective of BAC!

  2. That was Awesome..as a Alumni of this Great Drum Corp, Thank you and to your daughters that are now Alumni..Lets keep the Lion Alive..BAC Despina 79-80 (1981 taught cg)

  3. Great tribute to a "Giant" Drum & Bugle Corps "We will NEVER die"

    BAC Alumni 65-66
    BAC Seniors 97-2000


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